I expected a match of the year candidate. This was a match of the year candidate. Okada broke cleanly after they locked up at the outset. Hiromu feigned doing the same before hitting a forearm strike and a flying headscissors. Okada locked on a head and arm choke but Hiromu forced a break. They rolled outside where Okada hit a neckbreaker on the floor. Back inside, Okada hit a slingshot senton before covering for a one count. Hiromu came back with a lariat and a dropkick…
You can check out full results @ https://www.f4wonline.com/new-japan-results/new-japan-cup-night-eight-results-semifinal-matches-314656
Proud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Patriots Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups, Founder & Editor of CWN
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