I’m never good at saying goodbye as I always just say “I’ll see you later!” I remember the first time I moved away from home and I had to say goodbye to my family and life in Calgary, to embark on my journey in WWE in 2007. I didn’t have much money except what I had saved up from waitressing and I knew I was leaving a lot behind, especially because I’m so close to my family, but I was ready to grow personally and professionally. I brought one suitcase of clothes with me to Florida and started a whole new life to try and see a dream come to fruition. It was hard to leave home not knowing when I’d be back, but what made it all so special was knowing that I was getting the opportunity to live my dreams of being a WWE Superstar…
You can check out the full article @ https://calgarysun.com/sports/other-sports/natalya-neidhart-thank-you-kairi-sane

Proud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Senators Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups, Founder & Editor of CWN
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