A little over a year ago, my normal schedule had me on the road upwards of 250 days a year. Before the pandemic, we were in a new city, state, country and continent every week. I often am asked, “How do you manage your health and fitness with the schedule that you have?” In the past year, like so many others, my travel schedule changed a lot and I was home way more, which was a huge adjustment in my life. So while I’ve had more time to focus on my health and fitness, nothing has changed about making it a priority in my life. The real challenge is finding different ways to stay motivated to be as healthy as I can be no matter what is happening in my life or where I am at…
You can check out the full article @ https://calgarysun.com/sports/other-sports/natalya-neidhart-a-wwe-superstars-guide-to-a-healthier-you
Proud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Patriots Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups, Founder & Editor of CWN
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