Talk Is Jericho: Lance Storm Analyzes Juventud vs. Jericho From SuperBrawl 1998

Lance Storm is probably the best coach and agent in the business, and he’s offering an amazing training opportunity to anyone in the biz hoping to get a leg up on their career. Email him at And follow along as he teaches 30-year veteran Chris Jericho a thing or two in this match watchalong and critique. Lance breaks down Jericho versus Juventud Guerrera in a “Title vs. Mask” match at Superbrawl 1998 at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. He points out what works in the match, what Jericho and Juve could have done better, and how Jericho can apply some of the tips to his matches today. Lance also cites reasons why working with Kurt Angle was always a great experience for him and why his match against Terry Funk for the US Title is still his favorite. Plus, Lance was released from WWE during the pandemic after just barely starting back there as a coach and agent, but harbors no ill will or hard feelings towards Vince McMahon or the company. And he reveals the one match he’d come out of retirement to have.

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