Alexia Nicole Returns to talk, being a pilliar, down time, her trip to the UK and more

Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Patriots Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…

Getting To Know… Alexia Nicole

Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Patriots Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…

Vidcast 138! Alexia Nicole is back!

Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Patriots Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…

Vidcast 50! Featuring Alexia Nicole

Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Patriots Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…

Sluggin’ with Steven O’Neil featuring ‘The Bubblegum Princess’ Alexia Nicole

The following interview is part of an exclusive interview series courtesy of CWN Contributor Steven O’Neil.…

Ontario wrestlers go back to the yard to get back to the action

With social distancing rules preventing independent wrestling shows from running in the province, a group of…

Alexia Nicole new Femmes Fatales Women’s Champion

Once a three-time title holder, Mercedez Martinez called herself Femmes Fatales Women’s Champion when she defeated…