The Throwdown with Chris Maloney | Episode 7

Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Patriots Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…

The Throwdown with Chris Maloney | Episode 1

Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Patriots Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…

Weekly wrestling match debuts as Inuvik promotion struggles with the pandemic

Beaufort beatdowns have resumed at Totally Arctic Wrestling. The burgeoning pro-wrestling promotion is presenting a new…

TAW Saturday Night Skoden ep1 Blu Wilder VS Mad Dog Marty Sugar

Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Patriots Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…

Ep.1 “The Canadian Bad Boy” Tyler Hill | Pillars of Pro Wrestling Ontario

Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Patriots Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…