Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Senators Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…
Salina previews tonight’s FUSION
Salina de la Renta, who serves as special executive producer of this week’s FUSION, has issued…
MLW Fusion 187: Matt Cardona vs. 1 Called Manders, Salina’s HUGE news & more
Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Senators Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…
Fusion Preview: October 19th, 2023
2 title changes! Big returns! Shocking debuts! Slaughterhouse forever changed MLW. What’s next? Find out on…
MLW Fusion 186
Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Senators Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…
Fusion Preview: October 12th, 2023
As the final countdown to Slaughterhouse on FITE+ ticks down, journey back to the origins of…
MLW Fusion 185: Kane vs. World Titan Federation Mystery Man | Mystery Tornado Tag & BONUS Match
Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Senators Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…
Fusion Preview: October 5th, 2023
What World Titan Federation Superstar® has Saint Laurent lined up to step into the ring with…
MLW Fusion 184: AKIRA vs Lloyd Street Fight | Salina signs…?
Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Senators Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…
Fusion Preview: September 28th, 2023
MLW FUSION featuring a street fight streaming 8pm tonight on MLW’s YouTube channel and FITE+, Friday…
MLW Fusion 183: Kane vs. Mystery Challenger | Ichiban vs. Nolo Kitano | Love, Doug vs. Little Guido
Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Senators Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…
Fusion Preview: Kane vs. Mystery Man
Matt Cardona has grand plans for Major League Wrestling. What’ the embodiment of sports entertainment up…
Fusion 182: Salina de la Renta strikes back
Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Senators Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…
Fusion Preview: Salina strikes back
Salina de la Renta is en la casa! What’s on the Empresaria of Lucha’s agenda this…
Fusion 181: Fury Road Fallout
Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Senators Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…
Fusion Preview: September 7th, 2023
Following a contentious Fury Road World Heavyweight Championship clash, Alex Kane is in the house. What’s…
MLW Fusion 180
Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Senators Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…
Fusion Preview for August 31
As the final countdown to Alex Kane and Willie Mack’s World Heavyweight Championship mega-bout this Sunday…
MLW Fusion 179: BIG announcement, Fatu vs. AKIRA, Scramble Match!
Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Senators Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter Cups,…
Fusion Preview: Fatu vs. AKIRA + Scramble Match
A BIG announcement drops in a must-see episode of MLW FUSION! Jacob Fatu’s war with The Calling…