Emile Dupree Tribute Show | Café De René LIVESTREAM #117

Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Red Sox Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter…

Rest in peace, Emile Dupree. Tribute Video

Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Red Sox Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter…

René Duprée On Chris Benoit, Debuting In WWE At 19, La Résistance, Ruthless Aggression Era

Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Red Sox Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter…

WrestleMassacre massacres filmmaking

As a life-long wrestling and horror movie fan I wanted to really like WrestleMassacre but I…

WRESTLEMASSACRE Official Trailer (2018)

Chris MaloneyProud Father, Loving Husband, Pet Owner, Maritime Born, Red Sox Fan, Destroyer of Peanut Butter…

Richie Acevedo plays an Assassin (of sorts) in horror film ‘WrestleMassacre’

Today marks the culmination of a long journey for a horror movie project by actor Richie…